The Cannabis industry represents one of the most rapidly changing packaging landscapes among the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and food sectors. With many advertising restrictions, marijuana packaging remains as one of the best ways to attract the attention of consumers. It can be used to promote health benefits and distinguish brands. However, marijuana packaging must also comply with state regulations. From tamper evident to child resistant, the requirements for Cannabis packaging vary...
Blog & News
With recent restrictions from mass gatherings and state regulations due to COVID-19, many would believe that the annual 4/20 unofficial cannabis holiday would be cancelled. However, cannabis industry influencers are taking this opportunity to show others creative and unique ways to celebrate a holiday during these times.
Mold-Rite Plastics, your trusted supplier for child resistant closures, is making a LARGE announcement. We’ve expanded capacity for our large-format, 70mm child resistant closures. These plastic closures are ideal for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, Cannabis, household chemical and automotive industries where it’s vital to have a secure package that also stands out on the store shelf.
As legal marijuana continues to grow in acceptance and popularity, package designers will be tasked with choosing the right packaging to serve the growing dispensary market. What are the trends in the cannabis market, and what impact will it have on packaging design?
Bottled Cannabis Beverage with CRC Caps
28.07.2016"House of Jane, a not-for-profit corporation and producer of cannabis-infused beverages, announced what it reported as the first fully compliant cannabis packaging for bottled beverages in the medical cannabis market."