4/20: Taking a Different Approach to Celebrate Cannabis

With recent restrictions from mass gatherings and state regulations due to COVID-19, many would believe that the annual 4/20 unofficial cannabis holiday would be cancelled. However, cannabis industry influencers are taking this opportunity to show others creative and unique ways to celebrate a holiday during these times.

Taking a different approach, the cannabis community is going virtual after cancelling many large festivals, parties and events. Many events, like the Mile High festivals, Vancouver 420, Higher Together, etc. have adapted to these regulations and have provided users with an online, at-home festival experience. To view a list of events happening today, click HERE. However, it doesn’t stop there.

On another high note (pun intended), 4/20 is predicted to be a large sales day for dispensaries around the U.S., according to a recent article from AdWeek.com. 

One of the previous high water marks for the industry was April 20, 2019, when recreational cannabis sales increased more than 100%, versus the prior week, in states like California, Colorado, Nevada and Washington, according to cannabis data firm Headset.

“Since 4/20 is on a Monday this year, the sales uptick could start over the weekend or maybe even mid-week,” says Liz Connors, Headset’s director of analytics.”(Adweek.com). 

Cannabis-1With dispensaries being considered essential in most states, many dispensaries will still be open to provide medicinal and recreational cannabis. These dispensaries are prepared for the expected surge in curbside pickups and delivery options. In previous years, there has been significant competition between dispensaries, long lines and crowds. However, like many businesses during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economics of maintaining a business are challenging. As such, many are making #420Day a day of activism this year. The office of @senjackyrosen has taken the lead on sending a letter to Senate leadership, and the office of @repblumenauer has delivered a partner letter to the House, asking that they address the exclusion of state legal cannabis and ancillary businesses from the recently passed CARES Act. Contact your Senators today and ask them to sign on to the letter, then contact your representative and ask them to support sensible cannabis policy TODAY!

As part of this sensible cannabis policy, it’s important for lawmakers to also take packaging into consideration. Packaging plays an important role in making sure everyone gets their cannabis safely without entering the store. Delivery services need to make sure that orders arrive to the consumer as expected, while meeting the demands of 4/20. Yet regulations for cannabis packaging vary widely from state to state. Lawmakers can help to ensure consistent, safe packaging regulations by requiring child resistant closures can keep all of the contents safely secured in their packaging. For more safe packaging options designed with the cannabis market in mind, click HERE.



Posted by Amanda Thomas