Come Find Us at the Next Packaging Tradeshow!


Mold-Rite Plastic’s team visits major tradeshows to see new packaging ideas

June is a busy month for the team at Mold-Rite, Weatherchem and Stull! With our growing business, it’s still important to take time out and see what the packaging world is creating.  The packaging industry is always changing and introducing the newest, greatest design.  We pride ourselves to staying on top of trends and working with our customers to create innovative packaging.

With so many tradeshows going on around the world, how do you choose only a few?  We selected tradeshows for the month of June that focus on the markets we can best fit.

SupplySide MarketPlace, NYC June 2-3

This show focuses on the ingredients, or what is inside, of the products.  Healthy, safe, “green”, and effective ingredients took over the show, including the following trends in: Omega-3s, probiotics, protein, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, etc.

This tradeshow gave out trend reports for these industries and showcased the newest ingredient trends. This report also helps us because this is the perfect industry for our MegaFlap closure; this closure is designed for protein powders as well as anything that requires a larger opening for dispensing. 


HBA Global Expo/EastPack/ PharmaPack, NYC June 10-12


The HBA Global Expo and Conference is a trade show that caters to many different markets all at the same place. This show, or rather shows, focuses on the newest trends and packaging designs of the cosmetics, personal care, wellness, and fragrance industries. Many of the top players in the cosmetic and personal care market attended this show, displaying to everyone the innovative things they are cooking up at their facilities.  

The best part about this show is that there are many different mini shows going on all at the same time.  Since we have closures that meet each of the markets attending, it was a great opportunity for the Mold-Rite team to interact with the top performers. Our disc top, jars, CT and child resistant closures best fit the needs of all of attending markets. 


Global Pouch Forum, Ft. Lauderdale June 11-13

This tradeshow is all about pouches! This show highlights the newest trends and innovations in the pouch world.  The show is the largest conference in the world that focuses on the growth of pouches in the packaging world. Other than the conference, attendees get access to case studies and meet the pouch industries top suppliers.

This is a great show for us to attend because we currently supply disc top closures for pouches of sun lotion. This industry could open more opportunities for the Mold-Rite team.



ExpoPack Mexico, Mexico City June 17-20

expo pack mexico logo 2859This show is the only large show in Mexico that provides the latest trends in the packaging, technology and machinery industries. This is a great show to attend to see the newest and latest machinery that is being introduced around the world.

With our expanding business, we are always looking for ways to cut down on costs and waste. This show is a great way to see if there are any alternatives being created to help us with our goals. 


Fancy Food Summer Show, NYC June 19- July 1

Fancy showFancy Foods is one of the largest events that take place for the specialty food and beverage industries. With a wide focus on a variety of different products including spices, natural, coffee, snacks, etc. we can learn about the newest trends all in one place.

And with over 2,400 exhibitors, there are numerous opportunities for leads and meeting new people (and tasting new products, too!) 

We look forward to seeing you at the next show! 


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Posted by Amanda Thomas